Perhaps you have written a note with an inspiring message to/or about yourself and placed it on your bathroom mirror or somewhere else you'd see it to reMind yourself of something you agree with and want to believe deeply.
Be Kind to Yourself.
You are Strong.
You are Beautiful.
You've got this.
I am Loved.
I have everything I need.
Life is good.
I'm getting better every day.
...and many many other variations
These are all worthy and beautiful messages to believe; and if we believe these statements at all levels of our being, our Lives feel Inspired. Sometimes, we use rote ways of autosuggestion and that can work; just refer to Napoleon Hill or Earl Nightingale. Yet, there's a Super Fast, Fun and Effective way to Change our Beliefs! I use Psych-K as a method for this.
I also use other techniques in my work with clients to help clear energy so the desired path is free to be traveled. Sometimes messages come thru about the situation. When this happens I share what message(s) I hear, see, or feel. The client then has absolute free will to choose how to receive the message(s). Often, I find my clients receive insight in their own way. When the Sacred Space is held, you can more easily access your own inner knowing and wisdom. We all have this ability in various ways, we just need the space to allow for it. I am your partner and facilitator in this work. You are in charge.
What Happens in a Session with Andi?
We begin by discussing two things:
1) How are things going?
2) What do you want to be different?
You may share as little or much as you'd like. I've been told I listen well, yet this is not talk therapy so you do not need to share your entire story. I do not judge you for what you say and I keep it to myself unless you have granted permission to share with someone else. You can be very specific or vague. It will still work. For instance, let's say a person was having a tough time with dating. They don't need to tell me about all the bad dates, no dates, or deep dark painful memories. They could say, dating has been hard. I would ask what do you want instead? The person may say, I want dating to be fun and easy. Great. Now the work begins and is completed. The point is you can share as much or little as you want and we can still help change the belief. In other words, if a person is having a hard time with dating, they likely have a subconscious belief running the show. We don't necessarily need to dig into what the 'limiting belief' is, we just need to write a new one.
We are all familiar with the phrase, "What we think, We Become."
This missing part of this phrase is 'What our SUBCONSCIOUS thinks, We Become.'
The engine is below the hood out of sight, but make no mistake, it's the force propelling the car. It is the same with the subconscious. We can fuel it with the Thoughts our Conscious and even Superconscious Mind Choose.
Life is a Creation. Let's Choose what we want to Create!
Andi Swan
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